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What to do with citrus skins

Making up a fresh glass of orange juice or after a recipe that calls for lemon, lime or any other citrus fruit you may be left with a pile of skins. They can't go in the worm farm but they are fine in the compost bin. But before they even go in the compost bin there are so many ways to use citrus skins.

Use the zest

To make it easier, grate the zest before juicing the fruit and be sure to wash and dry the skin first. To remove the zest use a peeler or grater but avoid the bitter white pith under the outer skin. Use zest to add flavour to cakes, pancakes, salad dressings, drinks, and sauces. Zest can be frozen by placing it into ice cube trays and top up with water.

Candy the skin

Cut the skin into slices and boil in water for about 15 mins until they are tender. Remove them from the water and let them cool and dry. In a pan combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar over a medium heat and stir until the sugar dissolves then add the pieces of peel. Simmer for about half an hour and then remove the peel and allow it to dry. Candied citrus peel can be eaten on its own or added to cakes, muffins or biscuits. Store in an airtight container for about a month.

Salted preserved citrus skins

Place a layer of salt into the bottom of a clean dry jar. Cut up the skins and thoroughly coat them in salt before adding them to the jar. They can be added over time until the jar is full. Once it is full store the jar in the fridge and use as required. Rinse the pieces first before adding to tagines, curries, stews or sauces.


Citrus peels can be cut and twisted into very interesting shapes for garnishes in cocktails, juices, desserts or salads.

General purpose cleaner

Place citrus skins in a glass bottle or jar and fill with vinegar, ensuring there are no air bubbles. Leave for 2 - 3 weeks and then strain and dilute with water to make a cleaner for all surfaces throughout the household.

Dishwasher freshener

Place peels on the floor of the dishwasher and remove after the cycle has finished.

Washing machine cleaner

Use the peels to wipe away mould inside the machine.

Kettle descaler

Chop up the skins, place them in the kittle and add enough water to cover the skins. Let the kettle boil a couple of times then let it sit for an hour.

Microwave cleaner

Place skins in a bowl of water in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes. The steam will make it easier to wipe off food splashes inside the microwave.

Fridge deodoriser

Place peels in the fridge to absorb smells and odors.

Taps and sink cleaner

Wipe kitchen and bathroom taps and metal sink with the peels to remove scum.

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