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Edible flowers - garnishes and decoration

Updated: Feb 13

Flowers can be used to decorate cakes, pancakes, drinks, breads and almost anything. Although it generally makes sense to match flavours and avoid clashes such as using garlic chive flowers with strawberry jam, you can be creative and try new combinations to see what works.

Flowers and cakes go so well together

Flower to use

Passionfruit fruit flowers - stunning and complex
Dianthus pinks

For visual impact use big and bright flowers. Large edible flowers include:

  • calendula

  • callistemon

  • cosmos

  • daisies

  • daylilies

  • hibiscus

  • nasturtiums

  • passionfruit

  • peonies

  • pumpkin

  • sunflowers

  • zucchini

Vivid violets

Mid size edible flowers include:

  • bauhinia

  • begonia

  • carnation

  • chrysanthemum

  • cornflowers

  • dandelion

  • dianthus

  • fuchsias

  • geraniums

  • lavender

  • marigolds

  • okra

  • orchids

  • pansies

  • papaya

  • roses

  • violets

Coriander has a delicate and lacey flower
Society garlic flowers

For more delicate garnishes and decorations use small edible flowers:

  • alfalfa/ lucerne

  • Asian greens

  • basil

  • borage

  • broccoli

  • carnations

  • carrot

  • chamomile

  • chicory

  • chives

  • citrus

  • coriander

  • dianthus

  • dill

  • elderberry

  • fennel

  • mint

  • radish

  • rocket

  • rosemary

  • sage

  • small daisies

  • society garlic


Hibiscus flowers make a beautiful iced tea

Floral iced teas are visually dramatic and are made simply by steeping flower petals in boiling water until cool. Add sweeteners and any other flavours you wish such as mint leaves and ice. Hibiscus flowers make an excellent and pretty iced tea.

Warm floral teas can help calm or energise as well as add sweet aroma to the tea. Some of the most popular floral ingredients for teas include lavender, chamomile, rose and chrysanthemum.

Related articles:

A tea garden : growing and preparing your own tea

The art of tea : appreciating and enjoying tea

Edible flowers through the rainbow : edible flowers by colour

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