There are many different types of radish The root is eaten raw in salads or as a garnish but can also be pickled or added to soups and curries. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads or cooked and the flowers are edible with a spicy tang.

The best time to grow radish in Australia is from autumn through to the end of spring as summer can be too hot. It is very fast growing and grows easily from seed in well composted soil. Leave the best plants to flower, attracting bees, and then allow them go to seed for collection. Both the leaves and root are also enjoyed by chickens.
To store radish to make it last longer remove the leaves and store them in a jar of water or plastic bag in the fridge for up to three days. Store the root unwashed wrapped in plastic on the fridge for up to two weeks. To freeze radish blanch it first

Daikon radish
There are more than 100 varieties of daikon radish and is very popular in Asian cooking. Daikon literally means "big root" in Japanese as it can grow up to 60cm in length, also known as Lo Bok in Cantonese. The flesh is white and mild in flavour.
