The root of the cassava (manihot esculenta), also known as manioc, mandioca or yuca, can be used as a year round potato substitute for tropical and sub-tropical climates. It must be peeled quite thickly as the skin around the root can be toxic and be sure to cook it well and then it can be fried, boiled, baked, or mashed. It is delicious when used to make cassava chips and mashed cassava. It can also be used in sweet recipes such as coconut cassava cake.

Cassava flour (tapioca) is often used in combination with other flours to make gluten free products
Cassava leaves can also be eaten and used as a spinach substitute but they must be boiled for 10 minutes to remove toxins and the water discarded.

The roots are very rich in starch and contain small amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. The leaf is a good source of protein.
Cassava is very easy to grow from stem cuttings. Simply lay them horizontally in a shallow trench and cover them loosley with soil.
