Autumn is my favourite season in Brisbane. Long sunny days, mild nights and good rainfall keep everything from drying out and becoming dusty. It's usually a relief from the relentlessness of the intense humidity of summer and it's a time when I feel inspired to get back out into the garden after a bit of summer break.

Corymbia ficifolia is actually from Western Australia but has been planted as a street tree in Brisbane. Its big happy bursts of pink emerge from the large gumnuts framed by their extra large and long leaves. I keep thinking I will see one of May Gibbs's gumnut babies curled up somewhere on the branches.

Gumnut Babies cover image, May Gibbs, 1916. More about May Gibbs' artwork here.
With fewer plants flowering at this time of the year pollinators such as bees, butterflies and birds make the most of what is available.

Grevilleas in a variety of colours make themselves known in Brisbane autumn. The nectar is delicious if you get it early in the morning or make a floral tea by steeping a flower in hot water. The nectar from grevilleas is also irresistible to nectar eating birds such as Honeyeaters and Lorikeets.

Bees and other insects love getting into the cheery yellow flowers of the golden penda tree.

In early autumn there are several callistemons flowering in various colours - particularly the reds and pinks.

Both the Australian pink 'Blue Tongue' (melistoma affine) and the deep purple South American 'Tibouchina' flower at this time of year are also loved by bees and other pollinators.

The broad-leafed paperbark (melaleuca quinquenervia) grows in moist areas and comes alive with buzzing bees around its flowers during autumn.

Parrots love the nectar from the banksia flowers too!

Plan the garden to make it pollinator friendly by including a succession of flowers all year round.
